We had a great day yesterday. Went to church early - it was Advent Sunday so Christmas is just around the corner.
It was very hot so when we came home I fought with formatting my books for a few hours. Fortunately in the middle of my despair (tearing my hair out over the stupid things my computer does - nothing to do with me of course!) I got an email from Jan, the lovely computer teacher my friend recommended. She said she could see me on Monday afternoon. Made me feel much better knowing that if I couldn't sort it out at least she could.
Then off to Kirstenbosch for one of the first of the new season's sunset concerts. The world renowned Kirstenbosch with the back of Table Mountain as a backdrop, and about 30 000 people picnicking, drinking local wines, and dancing to the music of Mango Groove, who have been one of South Africa's top groups since their first smash hit in 1989. And a well deserved reputation too - their music is a mixture of rock, jazz and local rhythms - just fantastic. Such an amazing atmosphere too!
When we got home I found we had to turn the TV up - literally deafened by the music. But a great evening.
This morning, inspired by the thought that Jan was coming, I managed to sort out one of my formatting problems myself. The pagination had gone wrong - page numbers went from 228 to 230 which meant the odd and even page headers were also in the wrong places. So I deleted a page break and reinserted it and it worked! Rather like turning the computer off at the wall. In fact Jan did something similar on another manuscript where the margins had gone wrong - she deleted a blank page then reinserted it. So I am learning - but slowly.
I should be able to do everything myself for book number five - unfortunately I have been so busy with formatting issues I have had no time to write but all over soon, fingers crossed :)
Till next time :)
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