Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Another beautiful day.  We had some rain on Monday - even a huge thunderstorm which was unusual for Cape Town, especially at this time of the year.  But it has cleared the air and it's again summer at its best.  Colin is on the golf course - Wednesdays and Fridays are his days.

Having finished Fisherman's Dream, I have gone back to Rock-a-bye Baby, which I started about 18 months ago and didn't finish.  I didn't remember the details of the characters so have read through it and am now determined to finish it.  However last time I stopped because while I had the ending (whenever I write I need the name of the book, the characters, the basic storyline and the ending - that's just me) I wasn't quite sure how to get from where I left off to the ending.   I still feel like that but this time I will get there!  I have written about 42,000 words so well over half - shouldn't prove that difficult - just waiting for inspiration.

Today is my busy day - I volunteer with the literacy programme at a very poor school.  Lovely children but from very underprivileged backgrounds.  They try so hard but it must be difficult - most of them live in tin shacks; very unlikely that their parents can help them at all.   When I think of our children, read to and exposed to books from birth, my heart just goes out to these kids.  They are so far behind other children of the same age.   I have a lovely child called Brian - unfortunately he's been labelled 'difficult' by his teachers so I seems to live up to this expectation in class.  But with me he tries so hard.   He's 11 and can barely read - still hasn't got the concept of the magic e.  He's a very keen soccer player and tells me he wants to be a lawyer when he grows up - I gather based on a television advert for Legalwise, one of those companies that offers legal insurance. 
Then straight from the school to the bridge club.  I used to come home in between but it's quicker to go straight.  The only thing is last time Phoebe was very cross that I didn't come home to see her - which she showed in that she punished me afterwards - wouldn't sit on my lap as she always does, treated me like a casual acquantance.  Even though Colin comes home from golf at lunchtime and spends all afternoon with her.  Her mommy should be there too, she thinks!  A very complicated little dog - she's only been like this since Maya died.   I'm sure she will be better when we get another dog.  What I should probably do is try to take her for a nice walk before I go to the school - which means I won't be able to work on my book but my dog has to take precedence or am I just procrastinating?

What I do need to do first is my yoga and breathing exercises - we did an Art of Living course in May - I had just had a nasty cough and thought that it would help my lung capacity.  We both do the excercises but Colin only does them a couple of times a week - I try to do them most days though don't always manage.  But they are good and end with a short meditation which is lovely.  I remember when I went to yoga classes I always loved the last part where one would lie in the mat and drift off - I suppose all lazy people like that part!

Had better get on, time and a little dog wait for no woman! 

Till next time :)

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